Out, Spot
Digital video
Dimensions variable (16:9)
3 minutes, 6 seconds
Out, Spot, a poetic interpretation of memory, guilt and shame, addresses the process of healing traumatic childhood experiences. The use of real blood expresses the viscous, chalky flavor of systemic gripping. Blood befits subconscious memory, ever-present like the vital fluid itself. The interchanging of mud and blood render the repetitious loop of suffering and restoration. Wet earth is a cleansing tool, a connection to life - what breathes in the universe, exerts absolutely. The idea of absolute exertion is an impossible seeking, but the mud consoles impurities and removes plasmic layers, dark and repressed tokens of trauma. Finally, water, the ultimate purifier, the baptismal transformer, cleanses the viewer and the subject from the toil of rolling in mud for blood-stained brain cache mercy.